Ideas just come to me which can be fantastic but also a curse. At times my mind is so active and full of ideas that I don't know what to do with them all. I'm constantly inspired and find new ways of looking at things, at the world and at designs.
As a child I was very creative and always making things, drawing towns, designing houses and worlds where anything was possible. My sisters would constantly ask "But what made you think of that?". "Where did you get the idea from?". And lastly "But why don't I think of things like that?" I simply couldn't answer and I think for many creative people that is just the way it is.
There are people in the world who are mathematical and can picture equations and formula's in their head. That is foreign to me and I can't comprehend how they do it. And I'm sure they view me the way I do them.
Today I came across a site on Etsy that blew me away and I was amazed that someone had come up with these ideas. So simple yet amazing.
From their store website:
"This is your place to buy high-quality printables for yourself, your children and your home. All items in this shop are PDFs that will be sent to you by e-mail. All you have to do is print and assemble"
How amazing are these! I wonder if the creator was trying to find an activity for her children to do on a rainy day. That is how many ideas are formed - from necessity. Much the way I started my art business.
I love the way these also promote pretend play. As you can see from my previous entries, I am a huge believer in children engaging in pretend play. We need to nurture and encourage it and I am thrilled their are other artists out there who obviously feel the same way.

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