The craziness starts the moment you hear "You're Pregnant!" with your first child. Once the news has sunk in and you get your head around the fact that "we" will soon become "three" (or four if having twins), comes the realisation that THE bedroom needs to be created for the new arrival.
Now for some people this isn't a major stress. A crib placed in the main bedroom will suffice. Or the spare room is given a splash of paint, new furniture quickly bought and put in place. "Tada". All good to go.
However, if you are like me and many of the customers to my store, you will know that the announcement of a pregnancy is akin to the starter gun at the olympics. "OH MY GOD! I only have 9 months to decorate the nursery!!!!" Think of the fear this instills into the pregnant woman. Now times this by a million for the partner who is actually scared by what it all means.
I sometimes see it in the eyes of men in my store. Their eyes say "Who has taken over my wife?"
Out come the paint samples, swatch samples, catalogues, interior design magazines etc etc.
"No we can't have what Linda had for little Johnny!" and rolls eyes at the suggestion. "We have to have better!" Let the madness begin.
As you've read in my previous post, I have well and truly been there and can sympathise. It was the reason why I created my business. Not only did I become obsessed by creating the perfect space, I then thought "dammit, I can do this better". Thankfully it all worked out in the end. So I can sympathise with many of my customers who come into the store, whether it be to purchase art for a newborn or for an older child. Purchasing art and designing a room is a huge task. And very stressful which makes it so much harder when you are flooded with hormones!
The best way to start is to find a theme and work from there. And then scour the internet for inspiration. I love American designers and the ideas they come up for children are amazing. Don't be afraid to experiment and think outside the box. Don't worry about making a mistake as it can be corrected.
Think long term as babies do grow into young children and their likes change. I prefer artwork and accessories that can be changed rather than peeling off wallpaper borders and the like. Less stress on everyone and much less work.

This advice will save you money and time. My sister learnt the hard way unfortunately and put up cute wallpaper borders. She also painted dinosaurs onto her walls. And all the bedding and curtains matched as well - literally. Unfortunately her six year old son has now grown out of it all and wants a completely differnet theme for his bedroom. The whole bedroom needs to be re-done. If you think her husband had palpitations when doing the room the first time, you should see him now that he realises it needs to be done again!
My advice is to stick to simple coloured curtains, walls and bedding. Then add the colour with accessories such as rugs, throw pillows, bunting, light fittings and artworks. Much more convenient and it can be changed around time and time again. Use colourful storage boxes, suitcases and containers for all the lego/toys you will accumulate.
Most of all, have fun and don't stress too much. Your children will love whatever you come up with if you add a bit of colour. And you might actually find the whole experience enjoyable!
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