If not a tea party then there is still an expectation that the food will be creative and something that Martha Stewart dreamed up. I see parents I know stressing over cookbooks and recipes for finger food that the children will be impressed by. What ever happened to simple party food?! And do the children even notice?
No longer is a party about heating up frozen pies in the oven. "That was so 90's!" (According to another mother I know). I didn't realise that children really took so much notice of the food quite frankly. Perhaps it is more for the parents of those children.

"Please don't eat me!"
In the effort to "outdo" each other, parties are now so elaborate that you almost need your own party planner. Apparently the egg and spoon race just doesn't cut it any more! I don't remember getting the memo. Ditto "pass the parcel". These days to be absolutely PC, every child must get the exact same gift and no-one must miss out. Therefore the gift bags are now as elaborate as Melbourne Fashion Week goodie bags. Without all the kicking and scratching to secure one!
Children are now wanting cucumber sandwiches and canapes over sausage rolls and mini pizza's. Gourmet finger food and sweet treats presented on fine china are the new trend. However not any old china, it has to be pretty, pastel or both. (See my entry a couple of days ago for a picture of a tea party - Pottery Barn Style). And don't even forget about the floral arrangements. Though I must say I love the current trend for pretty bunting (fabric flag banners) that can be hung above the parties. I even sell them in my store and they are a huge hit.
Remember the craze over the home made novelty cakes? (previous post). It seems if you don't make it yourself then you have failed. Which is ridiculous.
I would love to try to make my own, but I am single handedly trying to keep my local bakery in business (wink). I buy so much from them they should have their own frequent flyers points. And in any case, why be inside making the cake and food when you can be outside with the ladies sharing a glass of wine! Priorities people!

I am so busy that I know every gourmet food outlet and cake shop within a 50km radius. I will admit my tables and decorations are well thought out. (I am an artist after all!) I love creating a theme and for me it doesn't take much effort despite how it may look. I tend to think outside the square and my boys love it. However I am not Nigella Lawson and I'd rather buy mini cakes and "distress" them with a cooking implement to make them look home made then actually make them myself.
That's the secret...distress the cakes and not yourself. Easy!
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