The pirate bunting is huge with boys who have decided to turn their bedrooms into a pirates lair. (See my earlier blog posts for inspiration on that front). All the bunting is very colourful and is a great way to add whimsy to a bedroom. It is great for apartments too as you don't need to drill any holes.
It was quite busy on the road outside the store today and the weather seemed to be as depressing as everyones spirits. Who doesn't hate going back to work after a long weekend!
Though I have to say that I am glad I'm surrounded by colour everyday. Arriving at my store in the morning tends to lift the spirits. It is bright and happy and who wouldn't want to work surrounded by gorgeous colour all day.
Added to that is the excitement of customers who are expecting babies or planning parties. And the little ones who come in to select their artworks.
Sometimes I bring my boys into work with me during the holidays (if they behave). Being a working mother can be a challenge at times and often there is no option but to bring them with me. My youngest son can be quite the larrikin ("clown" to those overseas not familiar with the term), and once hid in a cupboard on the shop floor. This was unknown to me and the customer whom he scared the living daylights out of when he jumped out and yelled "tada!". Ah, the joy of explaining that one to the customer. Thankfully most are also parents and see the funny side. I just hope he doesn't do it to a pregnant woman and send her into labour.
And my apologies to the people driving past who have seen the two strangely realistic "child mannequins" in the front window making strange faces at traffic.
How I do love the first day of school after the holiday break. I am counting down....
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